Case Studies

Various pills, syringe, stethoscope on green background.

Uncovering Theft, Fraud, and Embezzlement in a Medical Practice

Problem: A bustling doctor’s office began to notice irregularities in its financial records—unexplained expenses, discrepancies in billing, missing inventory, and patient complaints about incorrect charges. Additionally, medical supplies and equipment were disappearing without explanation. The management grew concerned about potential internal theft and fraud affecting the practice’s profitability and reputation.

Investigation: The medical practice engaged our team of private investigators to uncover the root cause of these anomalies. We conducted a comprehensive internal audit, meticulously examining financial statements, billing records, inventory logs, and payment processes. Utilizing advanced forensic accounting techniques, we traced transactions and identified patterns of discrepancies. Our investigators also conducted confidential interviews with staff members to gather insights and detect any unusual behaviors or conflicts of interest. Through our thorough investigation, we discovered that a trusted long-term employee had been systematically embezzling funds by manipulating billing systems, diverting payments for personal gain, and stealing medical supplies and equipment for unauthorized resale.

Outcome: Armed with our findings, the medical practice took immediate action by terminating the employee, involving law enforcement, and pursuing legal recourse to recover the lost funds and stolen property. We provided the client with detailed reports and evidence to support legal proceedings. Additionally, we offered recommendations to implement robust financial controls, improve inventory management, introduce regular audits, and provide staff training on ethical practices and fraud prevention. These measures not only addressed the immediate issue but also strengthened the practice’s financial integrity and restored trust among patients and staff.

Private Investigation Case Studies

All of the studies below have been intentionally made to be vague to protect our client identity.

Exonerating a Wrongfully Accused Client through Collaborative Investigation


Late one evening on a quiet road near Orlando, Florida, a car lost control and collided with a guardrail. Person B, who had been drinking earlier that night, was a passenger in the vehicle driven by Person A. To ensure Person B’s safety, Person A had offered to drive them home. When law enforcement arrived at the scene, Person A falsely claimed that Person B had been driving at the time of the accident. A bystander, Witness C, who arrived shortly after hearing the crash, mistakenly supported Person A’s account. As a result, Person B was wrongfully charged with driving under the influence (DUI), facing severe legal consequences under Florida law.


Understanding the complexity and urgency of the case, Person B’s attorney recognized the need for a thorough investigation to uncover the truth. Our team of private investigators was engaged to gather concrete evidence to prove that Person A was the actual driver during the accident and to challenge the credibility of Witness C’s testimony.

We began by conducting an exhaustive examination of the accident scene and its surroundings to identify potential sources of evidence. Despite the isolated location and lack of direct witnesses, we discovered a security camera on a nearby building that had captured footage of the road leading up to the crash site. Although the footage was of low quality due to distance and lighting conditions, we utilized advanced video enhancement and analysis techniques to extract as much detail as possible.

To distinguish between Person A and Person B in the footage, we employed scaling methods based on known measurements like road markings and vehicle dimensions. Given the significant height difference of nearly nine inches between the two individuals, we analyzed the proportions of the people exiting the vehicle. By accounting for camera angles and potential distortions, we were able to confirm that Person A was the one who had been driving at the time of the accident.

Additionally, we conducted a detailed review of Witness C’s statement. By reconstructing the timeline and assessing the witness’s vantage point, we identified inconsistencies and limitations in their account. Our findings suggested that Witness C’s observations were based on assumptions made after the fact, rather than direct knowledge of who was driving.


Our comprehensive investigation provided critical evidence that was instrumental in Person B’s defense. Armed with the enhanced video footage and our analytical findings, the attorney demonstrated that Person A was indeed the driver at the time of the accident. The discrediting of Witness C’s testimony further weakened the prosecution’s case against Person B.

As a result, the DUI charges against Person B were dismissed, and they were cleared of all allegations. Person A ultimately faced legal consequences for their actions, including making false statements to law enforcement. This case underscores the vital role that collaboration between attorneys and private investigators plays in uncovering the truth and ensuring justice is served. Our diligent efforts not only exonerated an innocent individual but also reinforced the integrity of the legal process.

Woman standing by damaged red car
Cracked couple with broken heart symbol.

Uncovering the Truth Through Infidelity Surveillance


A client approached our private investigation firm suspecting that their spouse was engaging in an extramarital affair. Unusual behaviors such as late nights at the office, unexplained expenses, and increased secrecy around electronic devices had raised concerns. The client sought definitive answers to make informed decisions about their personal life and potential legal actions.


Understanding the sensitive nature of the case, we conducted discreet surveillance to gather factual evidence. Over a two-week period, our investigators monitored the spouse’s daily routines, noting any deviations from their typical schedule. We observed the spouse visiting a specific address during odd hours and meeting with an individual not previously mentioned to the client.

In addition to physical surveillance, we utilized traditional investigative  to verify the spouse’s activities. This included reviewing publicly available records and discreetly documenting interactions in public spaces. All evidence was collected ethically to ensure it would be admissible in any potential legal proceedings.


Our investigation confirmed that the spouse was involved in an extramarital relationship. We provided the client with a detailed report including timestamps, locations, and visual documentation. With this information, the client was able to confront the situation and seek legal counsel regarding their options for the future. Our discreet and professional approach allowed the client to navigate this challenging time with clarity and assurance.


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